Ph.D. Dissertation
"Biologically Inspired Design and Parametric Tools"
Ph.D. Dissertation
2015 Jul
Thessaloniki, Greece
Papadiamantopoulos, V.
PhD in Architecture
December, 2007 - July, 2015
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Dissertation’s title: “Biologically inspired design and parametric tools”.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Nikos Tsinikas.

Contemporary parametric architectural designer tools, are based on object-oriented computer programming. While biologists and mathematicians are researching to understand the generating and growing processes of biological patterns, which are also coding stochastic visual models. Software tools utilised by biologists and mathematicians, share the same core structure as the parametric architectural design tools.
This study aims to explore the potential capacities of Architecture during an eventual co-evolution with biology and applied mathematics at its context, combining knowledge from:
a. historical research on systematic biologically inspired architectural design,
b. contemporary methods of ontological analysis and stochastic modelling of observations on biological pattern generation and growing examples,
c. understanding of object oriented programming, which is the common foundation for all design and scientific tools of stochastic modelling.
This research illustrates firstly that the evolution of scientific modelling methods follows the evolutionary path of computer programming methods, and secondly that contemporary stochastic scientific models are based on assembling virtual objects by declaring parameters of their properties and setting their relations while testing alternative hypotheses. Particularly Architecture aims at generating an Organised Architectural Form, which may be directly materialized through the Assemblage Protocol at the case of Biologically Inspired Design. Moreover, Architects' experience on assembling and visualising parametric simulating models of artificial life, could contribute to the ongoing scientific decoding process of Nature Architectures’ generative and growing processes.
This research’s outcome has the potential to contribute in the development of singular architectural projects. Furthermore, it guides architects to adapt an Ecosophic behaviour, while they are operating on the development of the environment.

Biologically Inspired Design; Parametric Design Tools; Complex Networks; Object Oriented Programming; Assemblage Protocol; Architectural Design; Ecosophy;
Ph.D. Dissertation